Ive got to say all this 'chipping' stuff sound just like the 'old' days where you took a screwdriver to the governor! is the biggest difference the distribution channel hence the price difference? So what does the steinbauer do differently from the chip it? given they both basically claim the the same thing in terms of the net result. They also need to be at least 40psi to stop the rollers pulling into them and reducing the diameter. The tyre diameter would be factored in on the dyno. That's why there are different maps with the ChipIt, to supply more fuel when the conditions require it.ģ'' = +4psi was a bit rude but I don't think there would be much difference at the wheels either way? Without the extra fuel the standard engine might gain little from the exhaust because it's running lean and has nothing left to feed the extra air but with the chip it should show good gains. It's not only the turbo efficiency that increases but there are also big gains from the lower pumping losses. Yes, it's a shame Bob doesn't have the before figures, they would have been easy to get with 5 minutes to unplug it, I think it was? Someone mentioned, might have been the dyno guy, that when racing, identical engines can run lower boost but punch out higher power when fitted with a superior exhaust system that reduces back pressure. It could be, but not something that should be taken into account if looking for comparison IMHO.

Homer wrote:Comparing HP improvement is all academic without before and after dyno results.and I'm not sold on 3" exhaust = 4psi turbo boost equation.